Auricular Therapy
- Auricular Therapy, (also called Auriculotherapy & Ear Acupuncture) is the stimulation of acupuncture points, represe
nted on the auricle, external ear surface, for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in the body. - The ear is a micro system, which reflects the entire body. It is based upon the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture. Auricular Acupuncture is widely used and highly respected by medical doctors and other healthcare professionals as a therapy in its own right in France, Germany, Italy, Greece and the USA.
- Physical, emotional and mental conditions are treated by stimulating specific points on the ear, either through needling, seeds, electronic stimulation or massage
Mental disorder (bipolar)
Mental disorder (bipolar)
- Addiction
There are over 200 acupuncture points on each ear.The outer ear acts like a switchboard to the brain All signals induced by ear acupuncture travel through a specific part of the brain, the diencephalon, to the corresponding body parts. The BODY STRICTLY OBEYS THESE COMMANDS BECAUSE THEY COME STRAIGHT FROM THE BRAIN. Each point treated releases endorphins which block pain receptors, and elevates levels of adenosine, a natural local pain reliever, affecting change in the targeted anatomical area. All diseases that can be traced back to a disturbed, but not destroyed, organ function which can be treated by ear acupuncture